Monday, February 8, 2010

Tweets and Facebook posts - what NOT to do.

I love playing mad scientist at home. It's where I sit in front of my computer screen and pound out pages and pages of copy and spend time tweeting.

I spent some time yesterday putting up a fan page for my Networking Success Keys video series and it wasn't as hard as I was afraid it might be. So I feel like I just figured out (I think) the whole Facebook thing. I also discovered why people are saying not to post your stuff automatically in both Facebook and Twitter.

When you see tweets on Facebook and Facebook comments on Twitter it kind of looks like you're having an out of body experience. You are in both places at once and yet you are in neither!

Wierd! and good to know.

Tomorrow I am shooting video again and I'll be sure to make one just for the blog!

Happy online networking!

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About Me

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Karen Frank is a woman on a mission – to change the way the world does networking and marketing forever. She formed her business, recently re-named “3 E Communications,” in 2003. She started out creating elevator speeches and presentation scripts and soon discovered that she loved to create marketing copy. Although her first love is writing, Karen discovered that the most effective way to dramatically affect her clients’ bottom line was to get them involved in the process, and so she began teaching. Since that time hundreds of entrepreneurs have learned how to talk about their business and get the results they want.